Llevábamos mucho tiempo dándole vueltas y el bonito outfit Orange! que nos la maravillosa bloguera Tania de Make It Happen nos ha hecho reaccionar, teníamos que dedicar una entrada (o varias) a sujetadores ideales para lucir con blusas trasparentes, y qué mejor manera de comenzar con las piezas de la diseñadora holandesa Marlies Dekkers.
The wonderful outfit Orange! by the amazing blogger Tania from Make It Happen inspired us to make an entry (or several) about perfect bras to wear with transparent blouses, and what better way to start with the creations of the Dutch designer Marlies Dekkers.
The wonderful outfit Orange! by the amazing blogger Tania from Make It Happen inspired us to make an entry (or several) about perfect bras to wear with transparent blouses, and what better way to start with the creations of the Dutch designer Marlies Dekkers.
Elisabeth Maria Johanna Dekkers (Marlies Dekkers para los amigos) lleva trabajando en la moda íntima desde el año 1.993, y la podemos considerar como el máximo exponente de la premisa "innerwear as outerwear" o lo que es lo mismo ropa interior como ropa exterior, circunstancia ésta que casa con el contenido de nuestra entrada.
Elisabeth Maria Johanna Dekkers (Marlies Dekkers) has been working in the intimate apparel since 1993, and can be considered the epitome of the premise "innerwear as outerwear", and thats what we are trying to show in this entry.
Elisabeth Maria Johanna Dekkers (Marlies Dekkers) has been working in the intimate apparel since 1993, and can be considered the epitome of the premise "innerwear as outerwear", and thats what we are trying to show in this entry.
Con su marca Undressed alcanzó la fama mundial, contando entre sus clientes con infinidad de famosas: Sarah Jessica Parker, Lady Gaga, Dita von Teese, Denise Richards, Britney Spears...
With its brand Undressed achieved worldwide fame, counting among its customers with many stars: Sarah Jessica Parker, Lady Gaga, Dita von Teese, Denise Richards, Britney Spears ...
With its brand Undressed achieved worldwide fame, counting among its customers with many stars: Sarah Jessica Parker, Lady Gaga, Dita von Teese, Denise Richards, Britney Spears ...
Vamos a escoger las tres grandes líneas de Undressed, todas ellas en riguroso negro, para lucir bajo una blusa transparente: Dame de Paris, Space Odissey y Triangle.
We will choose the three main lines of Undressed, all in strict black, to wear under a transparent blouse: Dame de Paris, Space Odissey y Triangle.
Las piezas de las tres colecciones destacan por sus detalles a modo de líneas sobre las copas y el puente, conformando unas prendas especiales y muy vistosas, sin necesidad de recurrir a encajes u otros elementos. En nuestra humilde opinión son una apuesta segura, piezas especiales pero sin pecar de llamativas.
The pieces of the three collections are full of geometric lines on the cups and the bridge, forming a special and very showy clothes, without resorting to laces. In our humble opinion are a safe bet, amazing pieces but no flashy.
The pieces of the three collections are full of geometric lines on the cups and the bridge, forming a special and very showy clothes, without resorting to laces. In our humble opinion are a safe bet, amazing pieces but no flashy.
Comenzamos si os parece con la línea Dame de Paris. La variedad de sujetadores es abrumadora, incluyendo piezas para mujeres que estén dando el pecho, pero queremos centrarnos en las piezas mas "icónicas": el sujetador push-up tipo plunge (que podríamos dennominar en español como sujetador en V o U y que son sujetadores que al realzar y separar los pechos, pueden crear la sensación de mayor especio "intermamario" y por tanto de unos pechos más grandes) con relleno y aros; y el sujetador balconette (a pesar que en la web se indique es del tipo balcony, nosotros pensamos más que encaja dentro de la categoría de balconette) con relleno y aros.
We´ll begin with the Dame De Paris line. The variety of bras is overwhelming, including pieces for women who are breastfeeding, but we want to focus the entry on the "iconic" pieces: a push-up wired padded plunge bra (plunge bras enhances and separates the breasts, and this create a sense of greater cleavage space and therefore larger breasts); and a wired padded balconette bra (although in the web indicated as balcony, we think that fits more into the category of balconette).
We´ll begin with the Dame De Paris line. The variety of bras is overwhelming, including pieces for women who are breastfeeding, but we want to focus the entry on the "iconic" pieces: a push-up wired padded plunge bra (plunge bras enhances and separates the breasts, and this create a sense of greater cleavage space and therefore larger breasts); and a wired padded balconette bra (although in the web indicated as balcony, we think that fits more into the category of balconette).
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Línea Dame De Paris Dame De Paris Line |
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Dame de Paris Push-Up con relleno y aros tipo plunge Dame de Paris Push-Up Wired Padded Plunge Bra |
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Dame de Paris Balconette con relleno y aros Dame de Paris Wired Padded Balconette Bra |
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Dame de Paris Balconette con relleno y aros Dame de Paris Wired Padded Balconette Bra |
Seguimos nuestra entrada con la línea Space Odyssey, que se compone de
dos piezas: un sujetador push-up tipo plunge con relleno y aros; y un
sujetador tipo balconette con relleno y aros.
We´ll continue with the line Space Odyssey, which consists of two pieces: a push-up wired padded plunge bra; and a wired padded balconette bra.
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Línea Space Odyssey Space Odyssey Line |
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Space Odyssey Push-Up con relleno y aros tipo plunge Space Odyssey Push-Up Wired Padded Plunge Bra |
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Space Odyssey Push-Up con relleno y aros tipo plunge Space Odyssey Push-Up Wired Padded Plunge Bra |
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Space Odyssey Balconette con relleno y aros Space Odyssey Wired Padded Balconette Bra |
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Space Odyssey Balconette con relleno y aros Space Odyssey Wired Padded Balconette Bra |
Y por último la línea Triangle, con dos modelos: un sujetador push-up tipo plunge con aros y relleno; y un sujetador tipo balconette con aros y relleno.
And finally the Triangle line, with two models: a push-up wired padded plunge bra; and a wired padded balconette bra.
And finally the Triangle line, with two models: a push-up wired padded plunge bra; and a wired padded balconette bra.
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Línea Triangle Triangle Line |
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Triangle Push-Up con relleno y aros tipo plunge Triangle Push-Up Wired Padded Plunge Bra |
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Triangle Push-Up con relleno y aros tipo plunge Triangle Push-Up Wired Padded Plunge Bra |
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Triangle Balconette con relleno y aros Triangle Wired Padded Balconette Bra |
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Triangle Balconette con relleno y aros Triangle Wired Padded Balconette Bra |
¿Creéis como nosotros que nos encontramos ante unas piezas modelo para lucir bajo una blusa transparente? ¿Os animaríais a llevar estos sujetadores? Nos encantará conocer vuestras opiniones.
Do you believe that this are ideal pieces to wear under a transparent blouse? Would you wear this bras? We´d love to read your comments.
Podéis adquirir las colecciones en la e-shop de Marlies Dekkers.
You can buy this pieces on the e-shop of Marlies Dekkers.
You can buy this pieces on the e-shop of Marlies Dekkers.